25 Oct 2017

Feeling Low? what to do 2

You can catch up on the previous post on this topic here

If you are still feeling low, frustrated and sad, then read on:

Read It
Never, ever underestimate the power of a good story. If you don’t have a new book close at hand, simply go online, read journals; religious books; comics, or log into Nikkyivy's blog

Read and enjoy the inspirational stories…YES! Get immersed in the narratives, take a deep breath and let all your worries go. Let's hope you won't want to be in the movies by the time you are done with the stories...


Most times, we accept what people say about how we look. We fervently wish we could look like our favorite models and could fit into that lovely garb that is a size smaller. Accepting all that negativity will    lead to depression and living below your potentials.

Nobody knows you more than you. Strip your soul, mind and body of all that negativity. Speak optimism and positive words into your life, stand in front of a mirror and strip. Look at yourself and admire your God given curves. Accept your flaws, take control of your life and bring your swag back. It’s time to stop hating yourself. You are beautiful.

A stroll / A Treat      

This works too. Normally I just get out of    the house, get to feel the breeze on my face, see new faces and give myself that treat I deserve. Treat could be an activity, a meal or anything that pleases your heart. Anything that is not harmful to your health.

Pray/Meditate/ Day dream

The choice is yours. It’s either you allow your mind take an adventure or meditate, pray and relax. It helps you to get focused and become calmer. You need to stop the habitual analyzing and thinking NOW.


It’s okay to cry. Being a man does not mean you can’t cry. Let your emotions go and have a good cry. It might not change your situation, but it will help to relieve you of all the stress.

Expert Opinion -

If nothing seems to be working, then you need to see a professional. Go through that therapeutic phase with a trained professional or someone who values confidentiality, knows how and is willing to help you get through the stress.

Never give up... Live free!

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