13 Feb 2017

My thoughts on Valentine...

With the recession pulling the pants off people, i sincerely feel that nobody deserves the additional pressure that goes with this season.

A real lover makes every day Valentine’s Day which is why i find it hard to accept the concept of driving me insane for 364 days only to buy a gigantic gift on a particular day in the name of Valentines day. Love or like should be celebrated every day and nobody should put a price on love.

However, if you feel that your love deserves a price tag and your better half should be crucified for not conforming to the trend or meeting up with your expectations of Valentine’s Day, then you have a long way to go. Just remember that the treasures and luxuries of life can never be compared to a smile ignited by true love.

Instead of waiting around, all day, for a package or wishing you got a Rolls Royce instead of a phone call from your heartthrob, try to appreciate life for a change. Give someone who has nothing to offer in return a gift. Love is the greatest gift so share it with everyone around you.

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