14 Mar 2016

What is Your Priority?

Growing up was fun. It had its high and low points, but today I thank God for lessons learnt. One thing was stable though; My family.

Back then, a friend of mine complained about how her parents would argue and fight in front of them. Her dad would slap his mum and mum would insult his whole generation. It was terrible and rubbed off badly on my friend who was always ready to fight even my wars. I did not understand what she was saying because my parents never fought nor yelled. I never saw them argue instead couples with problems always came to the house to settle their issues. In my young mind, my parents were perfect.

As an adult I have realized that every marriage, relationship or union has it's rocky side. Life is not always sweet and rosy and being a parent is the hardest job ever. I have also realized that my parents like every other couple must have had their differences. However, whatever issue they had was settled in the bedroom and definitely never in front of their children. They respected each other.

Today, things are different. We are too eager to settle our differences not only in front of our kids, but on social media platforms. We are ever too eager to walk away instead of working out our differences with our partners. We do not care that we expose our children to hate words, anger, bitterness even murder. Nobody wants to fix things, instead we sell it! Besides there are numerous hot and sexy girls and guys who are ever ready to mingle. We love for the wrong reasons and think we are playing out a role in a Nollywood movie.

We  need to set our priorities right. If you had a tumultuous childhood, now is the time for you to borrow a leaf from my parents. Give your child a happy childhood so he/she can grow up to be a happy and fulfilled adult. Wash your dirty linen in your bedroom and definitely not in my view. Stop complaining to everyone about your partner because your situation is not the worse on earth so pray for the grace to overcome.

If you freely, without inducement or duress, accepted to live with that man or woman for the rest of your life, then stop acting like a confused teenager. Adults work hard and even pray harder in order to achieve their life dreams. Be a responsible adult today.

This is a wake up call.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice write up. We have teenage-adults everywhere. Even the kids are wiser


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